As a food, drink and travel journalist, I’m often asked about the famous people I meet. I understand the question, though I’m at the ready to talk about the new chef in town or the young winemaker making marvelous malbec. We live in a culture obsessed with celebrity. Social media feeds this basic human curiosity. […]
Mardi Gras Food and Fun at Town Hall in San Francisco
The sounds, tastes and colors of Mardi Gras at Town Hall restaurant evokes the good times this former Mississippi Gulf Coast resident knows and now savors in San Francisco. Mix music, masks and too much food—and you’re guaranteed a good time. When the music turns to zydeco and paraders start dancing, you know Mardi Gras […]
Super Bowl, Super Tailgate Times
Super Bowl, Super Tailgate Times Watching NFL football is one of my favorite things. Better yet, NFL tailgates are the best. Though I won’t be in Atlanta for the Super Bowl, I’m thinking tailgate and especially good times at the Michael Mina Tailgate at Levi Stadium. I confess to be a loyal San Francisco 49ers […]
Bottle Taps Pleasanton uncaps beer fun
Bottle Taps calls itself a “beer bar” and lives up to its name with 30 beers on tap. Add in 170 more bottles and cans, hand-crafted food, a comfy lounge area, bistro tables, and outdoor seating with frequent music offerings, and you’ve got a new pub scene in Pleasanton. Bottle Taps looks like other pubs […]
Shakewell, dining abroad in Oakland
It’s cheaper than a flight to Athens. The cocktails are more creative than Madrid’s. Why not visit Shakewell in Oakland for some bombas and an Adonis aperitif? That Adonis cocktail represents the restaurant’s daring to do the unexpected. Here’s a drink with intrigue, sweet and bitter notes: amontillado sherry, sweet vermouth, orange bitters and lemon […]
My Unexpected Love Affair with Blogging
That capricious Muse of Creativity shows up at the darndest times. I was riding around the Alameda County Fair in a golf cart amidst carnival rides, racing pigs and clowns when I was overcome with a desire to start blogging. The gastronomic pleasures of the Northern California venue were proffered to me at each stop: […]